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State and Logging Storage

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Airbyte recommends using an object storage solution for such as S3 and GCS for storing State and Logging information. You must select which type of blob store that you wish to use. Currently, S3, GCS, and Azure are supported. If you are using an S3 compatible solution, use the S3 type and provide an endpoint key/value as needed.

Adding external storage details to your values.yaml disables the default internal Minio instance (airbyte/minio). While there are three separate buckets presented in the Values section below, Airbyte recommends that you use a single bucket across all three values.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: airbyte-config-secrets
type: Opaque
# AWS S3 Secrets
s3-access-key-id: ## e.g. AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE
s3-secret-access-key: ## e.g. wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY


Ensure you've already created a Kubernetes secret containing both your S3 access key ID, and secret access key. By default, secrets are expected in the airbyte-config-secrets Kubernetes secret, under the s3-access-key-id and s3-secret-access-key keys. Steps to configure these are in the above prerequisites.

type: "S3"
storageSecretName: airbyte-config-secrets # Name of your Kubernetes secret.
bucket: ## S3 bucket names that you've created. We recommend storing the following all in one bucket.
log: airbyte-bucket
state: airbyte-bucket
workloadOutput: airbyte-bucket
region: "" ## e.g. us-east-1
authenticationType: credentials ## Use "credentials" or "instanceProfile"

Set authenticationType to instanceProfile if the compute infrastructure running Airbyte has pre-existing permissions (e.g. IAM role) to read and write from the appropriate buckets.

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